Saturday, 14 March 2015

Teensy 3.1 programmer for ATtiny85 chips - going permanent, part 2

This is a continuation of my previous post Teensy 3.1 programmer for ATtiny85 chips - going permanent, part 1. This time, I'm going to list all components needed to make a permanent Teensy 3.1 programmer for ATtiny85 chips.

I have all components ready, here's what I'm going to use:
  1. Shrouded box header (2x3):
  2. 8 Pin DIL IC Socket:
  3. 2 x 14 pin header socket:
  4. 6-Conductor Ribbon Cable with IDC Connectors 6:
  5. and obviously, a stripboard:
Now, since I have all components, let's prepare a compact prototype on a breadboard. If you remember from my previous post, I wanted to change the default Arduino ISP layout slightly to make my board look better.


After an hour or so of experimentation, I realised that changing that pin 13 to 9 would be more complicated than I initially thought, so I decided to leave the ISP code as it is now and move on to soldering. Expect an update soon!

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