Saturday, 30 September 2017

Docker image to build and run your Haskell Warp server code (built on Windows).

At the time of writing this, the most helpful resources I could find covering this were simply:

  1. Stack's official dockerfile.
  2. This great gist.

I played a bit with the two and came up with my own version, suitable to produce images able to build and host simple Haskell server code. This is no production setup, but will open the door to more fine-tuned experimentation.

Let's jump right into it!

  1. First of all, here is the source code of a minimal Haskell Warp server I'm going to be hosting: haskell-warp.
  2. Secondly, the dockerfile (also contained in the github repository from the previous point):

    FROM ubuntu:16.04
    MAINTAINER piotr - dot - justyna - at -
    # Install dependencies.
    RUN apt-get update && \
        apt-get install --assume-yes curl gcc libgmp-dev make xz-utils zlib1g-dev
    # Install Stack.
    RUN curl --location > stack.tar.gz && \
      tar xf stack.tar.gz && \
      cp stack-*-linux-x86_64-static/stack /usr/local/bin/stack && \
      rm -f -r stack.tar.gz stack-*-linux-x86_64-static/stack && \
      stack --version
    # Install GHC.
    WORKDIR /haskell-warp
    COPY haskell-warp/stack.yaml /haskell-warp
    RUN stack setup && stack exec -- ghc --version
    # Build.
    COPY /haskell-warp /haskell-warp
    RUN stack build --copy-bins --local-bin-path /usr/local/bin
    # Run project.
    ENV PORT 3000
    EXPOSE 3000
    CMD /usr/local/bin/haskell-warp-exe
  3. Now it's time to build my image (this will take a good while):

    $ docker build -t haskell-ubuntu:16.04 .
  4. Next, time to create a running container from the image:

    docker run --name haskell-warp -d -p 80:3000 haskell-ubuntu:16.04
  5. Finally, time to test the code we've just deployed:
And that's it! We've just built ourselves a working image able to host a Haskell Warp server.

Keep hacking!

Thursday, 14 September 2017

Configure ECS to use a docker image and host static files globally.

As a continuation of Hosting static HTML files locally with Docker, today I'm focusing on running that image in ECS.

This part wasn't complicated at all and really you can just follow ECS's tutorial to see your containerized application up and running in the cloud. Minimal hassle. I don't think that there's a point in rewriting the ECS tutorial, so I'll just do two things:

The next part should be quite exciting and it is to prepare an image to run a Haskell-powered page locally. Sounds like fun.

Stay tuned and happy hacking!

Friday, 8 September 2017

Hosting static HTML files locally with Docker

In my last post I outlined my plan for Haskell, Docker & AWS development workflow. Here's the first part of my plan:

Prepare a basic Docker image to host static HTML files locally.

I'm going to cover two methods here:
  1. Use a vanilla HTML server image and map the resources to be hosted.
    This way you can make changes to the hosted HTML files and see them reflected in the browser without the need of restarting or creating a new container.
  2. Use a vanilla HTML server image to build your own image on top of it.
    This way you can generate dockerfiles which, when built, will include the hosted resources in the docker images they produce.
Let's take a closer look at the two methods.


If you're completely new to do Docker, I highly recommend watching this video. 40 minutes well spent and in that time you will have the contents of this post explained in detail. I will be using Docker version 17.06.1-ce and Windows.

When you're ready, there's some preparation to be done for both methods: we're going to need a web server able to host static HTML files. One of the most popular choices is nginx and at the time of writing this, the latest stable version is 1.12.1. In this post I'm going to use the 1.12.1-alpine simply because the image itself is small.

Let's pull that image:

docker pull nginx:1.12.1-alpine

Method 1


docker run --name tiny-nginx -d -v c:\temp\:/usr/share/nginx/html:ro -p 80:80 nginx:1.12.1-alpine

Run a docker container named (--name) "tiny-nginx" as a daemon (-d), bind mount a volume (-v) containing the resource you'd like to host in the following way: "container-host-HTML-folder-path:container-HTML-folder-path" (see how my windows container host path - "c:\temp"*, neatly mixes with the linux container path - "/usr/share/nginx/html"?**), in a read-only manner (:ro), exposing container's port 80 to my container host port 80 (so that I can actually access the HTML page from my local machine) using image "nginx" tagged as "1.12.1-alpine".

*It is important to note that we are mounting folders and not individual files. **This folder was given in the nginx image documentation.

Windows is going to ask for your permission to share the selected folder:

And now you're set. Your shared and mounted folder is now being hosted by the tiny-nginx container and every time you make changes to the HTML file locally, they should be reflected in the browser every time you refresh the hosted page. This method is pretty neat and allows for rapid write & verify iterations.

Method 2

In this method we're also going to create a docker container based on an image, but this time the image we're going to use is going to be built by ourselves on top of an existing one: nginx:1.12.1-alpine.

To do that, we first need a dockerfile. This is going to serve as a definition of our image.

Code (file: dockerfile):

FROM nginx:1.12.1-alpine
MAINTAINER piotr - dot - justyna - at -
COPY html /usr/share/nginx/html

Based on image nginx, tagged 1.12.1-alpine (FROM), create a new image with a given maintainer and while creating the image, copy the contents of the container host's "html" folder* to container's "/usr/share/nginx/html"** folder (COPY).

*It is important to note that we are mounting folders and not individual files and that the folder referenced as in the example, must be available in the current, working directory.
**This folder was given in the nginx image documentation.

This basic dockerfile can now be converted (built) into an actual new image.


docker build -t static-content-nginx:1.12.1-alpine .

Build and optionally tag (-t) and image (name:tag -> static-content-nginx:1.12.1-alpine) using a dockerfile found in the current folder (.).

Now the image should get added to the list of docker's images. We can now run it as if it was any other image pulled from the Internet (see the Preparation section).


docker run --name tiny-nginx -d -p 80:80 static-content-nginx:1.12.1-alpine

Note the similarities between this command and the one I used in Method 1. The only difference is that we're not mounting a shared folder. Simply because it has already been added to the image itself during the build phase.

Both methods should result in the file being hosted in the locally running containers. For now, there should be only one container hosting the HTML file at any given time. Results:

That's it for now and you can find the dockerfile together with some sample HTML to be hosted here. In the next part I'm going to cover how to use the image we created in Method 2 in ECS (and not Method 1 as sharing and mounting local resources would be quite tricky!) and publish my sophisticated HTML code globally.

Stay tuned and keep hacking! Piotr

Friday, 1 September 2017

Haskell, Stack, Docker, AWS and a notepad of your choice

I've been playing with Haskell on and off for the last few years and at this stage, while I still consider myself a newbie, I feel quite confident I could write a small application (*something*) and have it do relatively simple tasks for me. It's great to have your application published and running somewhere in the cloud, but the whole process of getting your code to the cloud is much less so. At least it has been in my case. What I like to do is more programming and less configuration and manual tasks!

Check now inactive fontbot for example. The way it is written is pretty basic and its iterations are as basic as one can wish for:

* write code
* build it with Stack
* copy the compiled code manually to a prepared EC2 machine


But, as I'm here to hack fridges, I want more. I want the cycle to be more automatic and less manual. I want to be able to publish my built code anytime I'm happy with the build. Preferably to a Docker container hosted by AWS (not necessarily a single EC2 machine). My daily work does not require any interaction with Docker (so your feedback is much appreciated!), but since it looks like a very useful thing, I plan to explore it. I'm pretty new to Docker and the idea of ECS, so it should be good fun.

Let's sketch a plan of this exercise (now partially updated with the parts I've already finished):

At the end of this exercise I should have a setup where every time I push my code to a chosen branch, it gets deployed to ECS by the pipeline.

Stay tuned and keep hacking!